Please Reset your Password

We are contacting you because you registered an account on Livestream. We recently discovered that an unauthorized person may have accessed our customer accounts database. While we are still investigating the full scope of the incident, it is possible that some of your account information may have been accessed. This may include name, email address, an encrypted version of your password, and if you provided it to us, date of birth and/or phone number. We do not store credit card or other payment information. We have no indication that the encrypted passwords have been decoded, but in an abundance of caution, we are requiring all users to reset their passwords. Click this button to reset your password now:

Reset Password

If you used the same passwords for other accounts, we recommend changing your passwords for those accounts as well.

We have already implemented additional security measures and will continue to improve our systems to help prevent these incidents in the future.

If you have any questions please contact us at To see the account information you provided to us, please login to your account and go to

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