Over 50% of the world’s population is on social media


Insights, practical tips, and resources to take your social marketing, selling, and customer service to new levels.

Your trusted resource for global online insight

It's here! Our Digital 2020 report provides the insight you need to identify your audience and build digital strategies with confidence.

Featuring data from over 220 countries, as well as perspectives from world-renowned analyst Simon Kemp (We Are Social) and Hootsuite experts, download the report to learn about the niche platforms shaking up the status quo, new consumer behaviors, and growing opportunities most marketers are missing.

37 Instagram stats to guide your strategy

Instagram hit 1 billion monthly users last year and that number is still rising. Plan for success with the latest stats, figures, and insights on revenue-generating features.

LinkedIn Live with Simon Kemp

The Digital 2020 report is a treasure trove of useful data—taken a look and have questions? Share them with us, then tune in for answers from the expert on March 16.

15 top Instagram Stories apps

Did you know Stories are growing 15 times faster than other content? On Instagram alone, they reach 500+ million active users every day—so it's more important than ever to create stellar Stories content.

But for brands, creating Instagram Stories that actually convert takes time, energy, and creativity. It also takes the right tools. That's why we've compiled 15 of the best for you to try out.

Panoramiq Insights

Want powerful Instagram analytics right in your Hootsuite dashboard?

Panoramiq Insights makes it possible to measure the impact of your Instagram Stories, as well as analyze follower demographics and monitor account activity. We know! It's awesome.

Get the App

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