Long or short? Instagram captions – solved

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Instagram captions: more vs. less

Instagram is a visual platform—we all know that. But you can write up to 2,200 characters in your caption. Should you? We decided to find out.

Follow the latest in our Experiments series to discover what impact longer Instagram captions have. Spoiler: If you want engagement, it could be time to get wordy.

Create better content faster

It's easier than it sounds with our templates! Download this toolkit for guides to each platform, as well as tips for creating innovative content and growing your following.

Explore the latest social trends

It's been 6 months since we shared our social predictions for 2021. Join our team of experts to reflect on areas like ROI, baby boomers, and brand purpose—and find out where the industry is heading next.

Top 6 Instagram Story hacks

Here at Hootsuite, we've experimented with a ton of Instagram Story tips and tricks over the years. Some work, some don't—and if you're going to choose any, we recommend these six.

Find out how to create a custom backdrop, add links to your Instagram Stories (regardless of how many followers you have), and post more effectively using scheduling and templates. We even included a free template to get you started.

Need to kick-start your social growth? Our Professional plan is designed for smaller teams who need to save time and quickly measure results.

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