Go under the hood with Instagram video


Insights, practical tips, and resources to take your social marketing, selling, and customer service to new levels.

Your guide to Instagram video

Your guide to Instagram video

With five formats to choose from and literally millions of daily viewers, Instagram video is a must-have in many social strategies. But which formats are right for your brand, and how can you ensure that your content hits the mark?

We've got you. Our guide includes features, specs, and best practices for all five formats: Reels, Live, IGTV, Stories, and in-feed video posts.

And if you're already a content pro, check out our recommended tools to make Instagram video management simple and seamless.

Hootsuite ranks #2 on Best Marketing Products for 2021

Hootsuite ranks #2 on Best Marketing Products for 2021

For social media management, no one ranks higher! G2 uses real customer reviews to determine its Best Products lists—find out why we came out on top.

5 trends, 3 minutes

5 trends, 3 minutes

Discover the top social trends impacting your brand, with illuminating stats on changing customer behavior, and key takeaways to incorporate into your social strategy.

How do I get new customers using social?

How do I get new customers using social?

It's a good question. And if you're asking it, you're not alone—73% of marketers are using social media to acquire customers this year.

Whether you want to get more leads, boost direct sales, or close more deals (or all three!), our Explained 3 Ways webinar can help. Hear from Hootsuite experts on three of the most effective customer acquisition strategies, and how you can begin activating them today.

Need to kick-start your social growth? Our Professional plan is designed for smaller teams who need to save time and quickly measure results.

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