Our top predictions for social in 2020


Insights, practical tips, and resources to take your social marketing, selling, and customer service to new levels.

Social Media 2020: The top 5 trends

How should you balance private and public customer engagement? What role does Gen Z play? Where do social marketers fit in a performance-driven marketing landscape?

Find out with a deep dive into the 5 top trends, expert analysis of global consumer behavior, and practical recommendations—all packed into 60 minutes.

Ready for #NationalPizzaDay?

Whichever holidays matter to your brand, be ready for them with a social media content calendar. Use our guide to get started—and a bonus free template.

What's new with Facebook ads

With more money spent on social advertising every year, you need the latest techniques to optimize your budget and get results. Our new ebook is here to help.

The Future of Customer Engagement: Digital Summit

Confidence. Connections. Convenience.

What impact will the 3 C's of customer engagement have on your social marketing strategy this year?

We're bringing together inspiring brands and the industry's brightest experts for a new multi-track digital summit to help you answer that question—and plan a strategy that delivers results.

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